NMS Management Solutions | Municipal Services integrates the entire value chain in an infrastructure development and maintenance process through in-house capabilities and strategic partnerships – from revenue management and financing through to infrastructure development and asset management. We are committed to add value to any assignment or project that we are involved in. We also assist with on-the-job training and capacity building in order to create a sustainable revenue management function.
- A dedicated system installed (as required by the Systems Act), with municipal staff trained by NMS team to implement and use the system.
- Transparent planning through regular meetings by a steering committee (consisting of municipal, council and NMS representatives) and joint decision-making on debt collection and credit control, thus instilling a habit of regular payment in the community.
Municipalities are legally mandated and morally bound to manage and enhance revenue to ensure their financial and economic stability. Generally, this results from:
- Improving revenue collection to guarantee cash flow;
- Ensuring effective functioning of systems, processes and procedures;
- Enhancing monthly income by instilling a habit of regular payment;
- Creating an environment conducive to sustainable development, growth and service delivery.
OUR SYSTEM “BRET” – Billing and Revenue Enhancement Tool
This unique, comprehensive and advanced revenue management system has been developed specifically for municipalities in South Africa.
The processes include:
- Reminders by telephone, SMS and/or letter;
- Electricity cuts and water restrictions;
- Legal processes – final demands, summonses, judgments, warrant of execution and sale in execution;
- Indigent management;
- Account query management as required by Section 95 of the Municipal Systems Act, 2000;
- And Electronic storage and retrieval of consumer service level agreements. The system utilities imaging and workflow software with electronic documentation storage and immediate retrieval capabilities. The system also provides full “dashboard” control with snapshot information and a full range of management information reports.